Universidad Favaloro, Buenos Aires

"Brainy" Visit!

Friday, Dec 6, 2024

Great collaboration and exchange was organized by Micaela Santilli with students and faculty of Universidad Favaloro, Buenos Aires, Argentina:

1) Dr. Fernando Torrente (Dean of the Faculty of Human Sciences and Behaviour)
2) Lic. Matías Sánchez Sanda (Extension Coordinator for the Faculty of Human Sciences and Behaviour, and Coordinator of the Argentinean Olympiad)
3) Diana Truden (Extension Coordinator for the entire University)
4) Lic. Agostina Sacson (PhD student, who will also be co-organizing Brain Week with Matías next year)

Schedule of Activities – December 4, 2024

  • 15 minutes – Universidad Favaloro: Presentation on activities conducted for the Olympiad in Argentina.
  • 60 minutes – Ashvin: Sharing of various activities and events organized for the US Olympiad. This could include insights on the MaiND program or Brain Awareness Week, as these are areas where we currently lack similar initiatives. While we typically focus on fun activities during our in-person events, it would be great to hear your suggestions and ideas for enhancing and diversifying our approach.
  • 15 minutes – Bachelor students: Proposal of new ideas to enhance the Olympiad.
  • 15 minutes – Group activity: Prioritisation of proposed ideas for further exploration, including discussions on potential barriers to implementation.
  • 10 minutes – Documentation: Summarizing and documenting actionable ideas for implementation.
  • 5 minutes – Closing remarks and next steps

Although a formal program is planned, both the presentations and meetings will have an informal and convivial tone. This reflects the collaborative spirit of the MaiND Program, Brain Bee and Brain Awareness Week. 



Our programs help you learn about how the brain and mind works based on modern sciences and age old wisdom, experience your own mind and develop mental skills to flourish in life.

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