Z – OLD – Mind Bee for Teens

Hacking Cognitive Illusions into Success Strategies

Hacking cognitive illusions is the act of identifying and then overcoming illusions, effects, biases, heuristics and fallacies of our brains with strategies that can help us be more successful in life.

We are excited to use AI Chatbots to learn, explore and prepare for the MindBee.

Mission - 10K+ Teens, $10K+ Awards

Motivate teens to study and experience cognitive illusions, common thinking errors, arising from the brain’s structure, function and life experiences and to hack into these illusions with success strategies. Plan to engage 10K+ teens and $10K+ in Awards

Mind Bee Components

Motivate teens to study and experience cognitive illusions, common thinking errors, arising from the brain’s structure, function and life experiences and to hack into these illusions with success strategies.

Mind Bee Test (in-person) during Brain Awareness Week, March 10-18, 2025 

Mind Bee Test (in-person) during Brain Awareness Week, March 10-18, 2025 

AI Chatbot Activities to learn, explore & prepare along with blogs and docs.

Awards & Rewards at local, regional and national levels from partners and sponsors

Talks & Exhibits on the wonders and illusions of our brains to educate and excite students

NeuroSmartTeens Clubs to learn and socialize around wonders and illusions of mind

Why Mind Bee

Have fun and awe around how brain’s structure and function create cognitive illusions

Learn life success skills by becoming aware of and implementing strategies to dodge cognitive illusions 

Work with AI Chatbots to learn about biases of our minds and AI systems

Awards to strengthen college applications

Rewards from partners 

Summer internships from partners

Become a NeuroSmart teen by being part of the fun NeuroSmartTeens Community at your local school, regional, national and global levels 

Complementary to Brain Bee and AP Psychology

Study Topics

  • Fundamentals of Brain Sciences related to Cognitive illusions
    • Wonders of smart cognitive strategies in the brain’s structure and function 
    • From cognitive strategies to cognitive illusions (common thinking errors)
  • Know and experience sensory & cognitive illusions and their neural basis
  • Cognitive illusions, biases, effects and fallacies such as Availability, Confirmation, Hindsight, Anchoring, Attribution, Misinformation, Actor-Observer,  False Consensus, Halo, Self-Serving, Optimism, Representativeness, Overconfidence, Loss Aversion, Sunk-Cost, Framing, Blindspot, Bandwagon, In-Group, Dunning Kruger, Ben Franklin, Survivorship, Automation, Google, Ikea and more.
  • Individual, group and societal failings rooted in cognitive illusions
  • Compare and contrast with hallucinations in AI systems
  • Practices and tools to hack cognitive illusions into success strategies such as mindfulness, critical thinking, and decision-making frameworks


  • October 2024-February 2025 – Schools, Colleges, Research institutions and organizations sign up as Mind Bee organizers, partners and sponsors. Students learn and prepare. NeuroSmartTeens Clubs engage. Weekly study materials and activities become available.

    March 10-18, 2025 – Worldwide Mind Bee Test during the Brain Awareness Week to select and honor local, regional, national and global winners.


  • The Mind Bee is a “Brain Sciences for Society” program originating in the Silicon Valley, California, USA with a global outreach for creating awareness on the wonders of the brain and its Cognitive Illusions that often evade us completely. Life long benefits unfold leading to better lives and society when we realize early in life how Cognitive Illusions are embedded in our own uniquely wired brain and apply success strategies to reduce their impact.


Dr. Ashvin Radiya, NeuroSmartLife.org, Organizer
Dr. Vibha Dixit, Encore, Fedcap, Advisor
Prof. James Murray, CSU, Advisor

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